Catégorie : Rules

26 février 2023
Menstrual pain: prostaglandins to blame

Do you sometimes feel severe pain during your period ? Whether it's the first few days, or even a few days before? Unfortunately, you're far from alone. 50% to 80% of women suffer from dysmenorrhea (1). But we often don't understand why the pain is there. Today, we're going to take a look at what […]

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24 juillet 2019
Understanding the absence of periods after stopping the pill

"I never thought I'd say this, but... I miss my period." We often receive this phrase in private messages. Like a cry of distress in the face of an incomprehensible reaction on the part of our body... theabsence of our long-awaitedperiod. Whether it's just after you've stopped taking your last pack of pills, or a […]

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21 avril 2019
Why do I have irregular cycles after stopping the pill?

When you stop taking the pill, or any other hormonal contraception, you may wonder whether you'll have regular or irregular cycles for the first few months after stopping. This question makes even more sense if, before you started taking the pill (when you were a teenager, or even later), you already had irregular cycles. In […]

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