Catégorie : Contraception

6 octobre 2023
Does the copper IUD affect cervical mucus?

If you're wondering about the copper IUD, you're not alone. Often touted as the miracle contraceptive solution, hormone-free, reliable and hassle-free, it promises slightly heavier and more painful periods, but which improve over time. However, many women share mysterious experiences and poorly understood symptoms related to this device. If you're wondering whether the copper IUD […]

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14 février 2022
Everything you need to know about libido after stopping the pill

When we ask some women who have stopped taking the pill what positive effects they have noticed, many of them cite the return of their libido. And yet... if we're making an article about it, it's certainly because the answer isn't so simple: stopping the pill = return of libido. In fact, some women do […]

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